EML is an action oriented Programme incorporating the recognised Success Principles of Goal Setting, Visualisation, Affirmation and ‘The Wheel of Life’ concept.
“Leadership is the ability to crystallise your thinking, plan your goals and then, through others, by helping them achieve what they want, achieve your objectives in the most efficient and effective way”.
- Michael KT Williams
The EML Programme is, in essence, a Goal Setting Programme to assist participants discover more of their potential and realise their dreams through the development and application of their individual Leadership Knowledge and Skills.
For the 10 week duration of the Programme participants meet weekly, on the company’s premises or a central venue for public courses, for 1 – 1.5 hours (depending on group size) for a Lesson Feedback Workshop on the application and results of the ideas in the Programme, and to discuss how best to apply the ideas to further develop themselves and the business. Participants based in distant offices may attend via teleconference. (This has been very successful for a number of groups in the past.)
The Lesson Feedback Workshops are very powerful as everyone has something to contribute. Although participants have the same programme material, we all have different life experiences and have different ideas to share on the application of the ideas contained in EML. We can all learn from each other’s experiences and learning is thus multiplied by the number of people in the group.
Participants are requested to complete and hand in a ‘Feedback Sheet’ for each lesson, which is used by the Programme Leader as a guide to assist them in gaining maximum benefit from the Programme and to assist in maximising focus on achieving results according to Personal and Business Goals.
EML is initially presented to all prospective Participants before embarking on the Programme. The personal ‘buy-in’ of each individual is essential and Participants are usually requested to personally invest up to 50% of the course fee. The EML Programme is run over 10 weeks, starting with a “Kick-Off” Session, followed by the 8 Lesson Feedback Workshops and a “Wrap-Up” Session. One or more follow-up cycles are recommended for participants to obtain maximum benefit and return on their investment in EML.
Effective Motivational Leadership Programme (EML) Continue …
Outcomes of EML
By the end of the Programme each participant will have designed their own Personal Success Plan setting out short, medium and long term Goals, giving them a clear vision of their own Leadership Role in all aspects of their life and a Plan for achieving them.
Because EML Programmes address the Leadership Skills of the individual, participants have shown outstanding results across a range of businesses, from high tech to manufacturing and sales, and from senior management to shop floor supervisor level. The minimum qualification for participation in the EML Programme is English literacy (speak, read and write), as all materials and Workshops are in English.