PIP Consulting – is an Effective Coaching and Development Company which aims to develop and empower you and your staff in order to master your individual and business potential.

We specialise in the following programmes:

  • WOTA Sales Success Series – The “WHY ?” the “HOW ?” and the “WHEN ?” of Success in Business;
  • Personal Success Life Plan; Assert Yourself;
  • Emotional Awareness;
  • Corporate and Private Coaches Training;
  • Professional and Social Etiquette;
  • Weight Loss Coaching and Mentoring.

Our guidance model is designed to empower positive change through meaningful perceptive and passionate paradigm shifts by identifying and changing limiting beliefs and self-talk.

Your beliefs may empower and allow you to be the best version of yourself and live your values but they may also prevent you from becoming the best version of yourself. Your beliefs filter what you see and hear – affecting how you behave in your daily professional, personal and social environments Your behaviour is driven by your underlying motivation.

We help you identify these motivational triggers and possible blockers to help you make the necessary shifts in behaviour to succeed.