Philippa Whitfeld founded PIP Consulting – is an Effective Coaching and Development Company which aims to develop the greatest output from your staff in order to meet your business needs. We specialise in the following programmes: WOTA Sales Success Series – The “WHY ?” the “HOW ?” and the “WHEN ?” of Success in Business; Personal Success Life Plan; Assert Yourself; Check in on your Emotions; Corporate and Private Coaches Training; Professional and Social Etiquette; Weight Loss Coaching and Mentoring.
PIP Consulting is a member of COMENSA (Coaches and Mentors of South Africa) an associate and Programme Leader for WOTA EML, public speaker and image consultant.
My on-going studies in human behaviour, sales and marketing, coaching & development and effective motivational leadership ensures that I obtain the best possible outcomes in an individual and organisation. My success in the corporate world and my extensive background in the ITC industry across leadership roles in Operations, Pre-sales and Sales that I fulfilled at selected industry enhancing companies, over 19 years, combined with my own life experiences makes me an inspirational facilitator, Programme Leader, Coach and Mentor.
My goal is to understand the power of our minds and am determined to live a balanced life, I am excited to get up each day and ensure that I inspire at least one person a day on my quest to inspire All …
Self-empowerment motivated enthusiasm and influencing change are the most important aspects of any programme, coaching, feedback sessions, course or workshop outcomes, and I aim to uncover your… Passion in Professionalism